Betsson as an investment
When considering an investment in Betsson you should also be aware of risks which are connected with the industry and the business. The risk areas that Betsson has identified as most significant and which can significantly affect the Group's operations, earnings, and position, are strategic risks, operational risks, compliance risks and financial risks. These risk areas are described in more detail in the latest annual report.
A large market with structural growth
Driven by the shift from offline to online gaming, the global online gaming market is estimated to achieve an average annual growth rate (CAGR) of eleven percent over the next five years. The global gaming market is estimated at EUR 485 billion in 2023, of which online gaming accounts for around 25 percent.
Diversified revenue
Betsson has a proven and successful product offering comprising both casino games and sports betting. A well-diversified mix of revenue from different geographical regions limits the risks of weaker development in individual markets. The Group’s 20 or so brands are aimed at specific customer segments in order to capture as much of the full potential of the market as possible.
Own technical platform and sportsbook
The proprietary technical platform and sportsbook operations provide flexibility and economies of scale and enable differentiation of the offering in respect of competitors, as well as data-driven marketing.
A sustainable business going back a long way
Gaming is a widespread popular pastime all over the world and has been enjoyed for several thousand years. The vast majority of customers play for the right reasons – for fun – and consider gaming to be a form of entertainment. Sustainability is an integral part of Betsson’s business, and responsible gaming is the key to a successful business in the long term. Betsson’s ambition is to inspire people to maintain a healthy relationship with gaming and help customers play responsibly.
A successful business model with a long history of value creation
With 60 years of experience in gaming, Betsson is characterised by a long-term perspective and a proven history of value creation through organic growth and acquisitions. The emphasis is on profitable growth, and the business generates strong cash flows that are both reinvested in continued growth and distributed to the shareholders.