In line with Betsson’s company values, Betsson defines social impact as taking action to have a positive impact in countries where the Group operates. Through direct donations, by helping to raise awareness about an issue, and employees donating their time to volunteer in various projects, Betsson wants to give back to society.

Betsson’s social impact framework sets out the governance model and establishes three focus areas for the Group’s activities: sports, diversity, and environment. The criteria for engaging in social impact initiatives include that they should benefit society, build employee engagement and pride and, where relevant, promote positive corporate brand exposure.

Governance of social impact
  • The Social Impact Board
  • Global Social Impact framework
  • Local Social Impact Committees

A selection of initiatives

Betsson engages in local social impact activities such as donations to foodbanks and local clean-ups of the environment. Betsson also supported StarScout in Brazil, which seeks out exceptional female athletes who aspire to play football professionally and gives them the opportunity to play professionally, with guaranteed contracts, salaries, representation, relocation expenses, language adaptation, as well as housing and the chance for a lifechanging experience.



Beyond the focus areas in the social impact framework, the Group adapts to world events and directs its support accordingly. One example is that Betsson since 2022 consistently has backed humanitarian aid to Ukraine. This includes monetary contributions to reputable charity organizations, and employees donating requested goods and medical supplies. In 2023 Betsson also supplied the necessary means to fund the purchasing of an ambulance to be used in Ukraine.

Economic value creation, MEUR




Revenues from customers948777658
To suppliers
Operating costs/Purchase of goods and services-499-462-396
To employees
Employee wages and benefits including social costs and pensions-141-119-95
To providers of capital
Dividends paid to shareholders*-89-60-51
Interest payments-12-5-4
Taxes and duties
Corporate income taxes-22-10-8
Gaming taxes and VAT-98-65-54
To society
Community investments via donations-1-0.4-0.3

* Proposed dividend for 2023.