At the Annual General Meeting of Betsson AB (publ) on 10 May 2022, the shareholders decided on the following main resolutions:

  • to adopt the submitted annual report and that the profits available shall be carried forward in a new account.
  • to discharge the Board members and the Chief Executive Officer from liability for the financial year 2021.
  • on the fees to the Board of Directors (the "Board") and the auditor, in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal.
  • that the Board shall consist of seven members. Peter Hamberg, Eva Leach, Pontus Lindwall and Johan Lundberg were re-elected as Board members. Eva de Falck, Louise Nylén and Tristan Sjöberg were elected as new Board members. Johan Lundberg was re-elected Chairman of the Board.
  • to re-elect PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as the auditor.
  • to approve the instructions for the Nomination Committee, including the principles on how to appoint the Nomination Committee.
  • to approve the Remuneration Report for 2022.
  • to establish two incentive programs, which means that the company offers 16 of the Group's senior executives and other key personnel call options or employee stock options in the company.
  • to conduct two separate automatic redemption procedures. The redemption procedure means that, in total, approximately SEK 539 million, corresponding to SEK 3.94 per share, will be distributed to the company's shareholders. The decisions for each of the two redemption procedures included:
  1. implementation of a share split, where each existing share is divided into two shares,
  2. reduction in the share capital by automatic redemption of shares, and
  3. increase in the share capital through a bonus issue.

The record date for the share split for the first redemption procedure will be 19 May 2022, and for the second redemption procedure, 12 September 2022. Trading in redemption shares will take place from 23 May 2022 up to and including 7 June 2022 as well as from 14 September 2022 up to and including 27 September 2022. The record date for the cancellation of the redemption shares will be 10 June 2022 as well as 30 September 2022. Payment is expected to be made through Euroclear Sweden AB's care on 15 June 2022 as well as on 5 October 2022.

  • to authorise the Board to, until the next Annual General Meeting, decide on the repurchase and transfer of series B shares on one or more occasions. The authorisation means that the Board, with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, may decide on the transfer of the company's own shares as payment for the acquisition of a company or business at a price corresponding to the share price at the time of transfer. The authorisation is limited so that the company's holding may not exceed 10 percent of all shares in the company, also considering any shares that the Board has decided to issue based on the authorisation in accordance with the below section.
  • to authorise the Board to decide on the issue of shares and/or convertibles, on one or more occasions, during the period until the next Annual General Meeting, with or without deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, against cash payment, capital contributed in-kind or by set-off. The authorisation is limited in that it may not exceed a total of 14.3 million series B shares, which corresponds to a dilution of approximately 10 percent of the share capital and approximately 5 percent of the votes, also considering any shares that the Board has decided to transfer based on the authorisation, in accordance with the previous section.
  • to adopt new Articles of Association where, among other things, the company's share capital limits have been adjusted, and it has been made possible for the Board to decide that shareholders before a general meeting may exercise their voting rights by mail and that this shall be possible by electronic means.

The minutes from the Annual General Meeting, including the complete resolutions and the updated Articles of Association, will be made available on the company's website.

For further information, please contact:

Communications Betsson AB
[email protected]           

Investor Relations Betsson AB
[email protected]  

About Betsson AB

Betsson AB (publ) is a holding company that invests in and manages fast-growing companies within online gaming. The company is one of the largest in online gaming in Europe and has the ambition to outgrow the market, organically and through acquisitions. This should be done in a profitable and sustainable manner, and with local adaptations. Betsson AB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (BETS).